I was able to attend the temple open house in Boise. It was such an amazing thing to be able to see. It was a very special moment for me because that has been the temple that I have grown up with. It was amazing to be able to go in and see all of it. I had only been able to see the baptismal fount ever since I turned twelve so to be able to see more of it was absolutely amazing. It was such a beautiful day when we went too. The sun was out and the trees were all such a beautiful color.
Later that day we went to Kathryn Albertson park and walked around to look at the scenery. It was so beautiful! A perfect fall day! We also went to the MK Nature center which was also springing with wildlife and beautiful fall colors.
We also played some fun board games that consisted of embarrassing ourselves and being silly. We can't forget to leave out Just Dance. Nick and Teil did some crazy Skrillex song which was really cool to see. I was also really glad to see everyone in my ward. It was really great to be back. Later on in October around Halloween time there were some crazy girls that were dressed up to look all dead that showed up at the door and so we got some pictures of them and Nicks roommate Jordan. We also had our ward Halloween party. It was a lot of fun to see everyone get dressed up. It was also a great way to get to know new people.
Also in the month of October me, Nick, and his parents went down to Utah to get a car that he was thinking about buying. While we were down there his mom really wanted to go to the quilted bear(craft shop for those of you who don't know). We had a lot of fun walking around. While we were walking around we found this giant bear and decided to take a picture with it. The funny thing was that the lady that was going to take the picture didn't know how to work my phone and ended up taking videos......haha awkward. Luckily I was able to get a photo out of the video.
I was able to visit Boise again just this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. Saturday we went to a hockey game and it was the first one that Nick had ever been too. He really liked it! The best part of it was we won! I miss my family a lot but it was good to see them even for the short time that I did see them.
All in all life has been treating me very well. I am very grateful for all of my blessings and great people that i have in my life. I feel very blessed. I'll be sure to keep this updated! If I don't see you before have a great Thanksgiving and make sure to eat a lot of food!