Monday, May 28, 2012

Remembering Those Who Paid for Our Freedom

I know I just did a post yesterday, but it is Memorial Day and I think we need to do some reflecting and some thanking for the people that fought and died and are still fighting for our freedom.  They gave up so much for us to have everything that we do have now.  So, even though Memorial Day is almost over and it might be over by the time you read this still just take a moment and remember those that fought for us and thank them.  Thank the families that lost them and supported them through all their  hard work.
Today me and my mom took a little trip to middleton, emmett, and back to boise to visit some grave sites of the ones we love.  My great grandpa Seamons who served in our military and our Grandpa Millett who I didn't get the chance to meet served our country too.  These two men leave a great impression on our lives.  They were amazing men and did our country and families proud.  I am so grateful for their influence and hard  work.  I look forward to meeting my Grandpa Millett someday and reuniting with my Great Grandpa.

Some more grave sites that we visited that weren't apart of the armed forces, but still deserved our remembrance were my Great Grandma and Grandpa Cluff and my Great Grandma Seamons who was also buried with her husband.  It was really good to see all of their graves and just take some time to remember them and all that they did for me and their family.  I am very glad to have the gospel in my life and to know that I will be able to be with them again someday and to be able to see all of them in their perfect state.  It just brings happiness to something that can seem so sad.  I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day :) 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Friends don't let friends do silly things.....alone.

Well, I've been out of school for almost two months now which seems kinda crazy to me! Well, that's quite a long time to be away from the people that you lived with throughout the semester.  Oh my roommates I missed them so so much! It was about time we all got back in touch.  We needed some roommate time and it has been a while since we have had that.  We couldn't all get together in person so we decided that skype would have to do.  Oh boy and it got a little crazy! It all started with this picture.  This seemed to fit perfectly in our relationship as roommates haha!  This is when we decided to have a skype date!
Well, throughout our skype time there were some funny faces, silly noises, and one story of a fake engagement.......Hannah! It was a good time with lots of laughs and good stories! We also got to plan a time where we could all be in Rexburg in party it up in Hannah's apartment! Should be a blast!  Anyways here is some skype pictures courtesy of Emily Silva! 

As for other things I helped out in the nursery at church a few times and just fell in love with the kids there.  They are quite the characters and we all have a great time.  For one of their lessons we had to show them happy faces and frowny faces so they needed pictures of them smiling.  Well, they wanted to take some with me and one little boy Henry just loved the camera a lot! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Family isn't about whose blood you have it's who you care about.

Now that it's getting nicer outside we are all starting to hang out in the sun! It's been too beautiful to stay inside. Today Teil came over and we tried fixing the tree swing. After the ladder almost fell over and Teil got out of being stuck in the tree we had what we like to call the pillow tree swing.  Two ropes tied together with a pillow in the middle.  It worked pretty well.

While Teil was working on that me and Gabby had a little fun with his sun glasses. They have really good reflection so we decided to take our pictures in the reflection.  We are kind of hard to see in the reflection, but we're there :)

Then it was out to the trampoline for some jump time.  It gets a little tricky when all of us are on there, but it's a lot of fun! 
Earlier today I saw something that I thought was pretty crazy! There was this guy on a motorcycle and in his backpack was his dog.  At first I thought it was a fake dog, but then it started moving and I realized that yup he had his dog in his backpack! The picture isn't too good because I took it on my phone, but if you look close enough you can see him.  
Now for one last story. Teil and I took Austin, Chase, and Gabby to the store because they wanted to get some snacks.  While we are in the store the kids start calling me mom and Teil dad........ no good!  There is one lady in the isle just pretending that she doesn't hear anything that is going on.  Then Teil yells, "Come on Sweetie!" So right when he says that the lady looks over at me and I turned bright red and just said, "I'm not their mom!"  The lady just laughed and I walked away still just as red as could be.  Then for the rest of the time we were at the store Teil kept making remarks similar to that and I just couldn't wait to leave! But it was a fun night and a good story to tell everyone :) Gotta love family! :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

More iPad fun!

Not much more to update right now, but me and Gabby just have too much fun with my moms iPad.  Here are some pictures :)