Friday, May 18, 2012

Family isn't about whose blood you have it's who you care about.

Now that it's getting nicer outside we are all starting to hang out in the sun! It's been too beautiful to stay inside. Today Teil came over and we tried fixing the tree swing. After the ladder almost fell over and Teil got out of being stuck in the tree we had what we like to call the pillow tree swing.  Two ropes tied together with a pillow in the middle.  It worked pretty well.

While Teil was working on that me and Gabby had a little fun with his sun glasses. They have really good reflection so we decided to take our pictures in the reflection.  We are kind of hard to see in the reflection, but we're there :)

Then it was out to the trampoline for some jump time.  It gets a little tricky when all of us are on there, but it's a lot of fun! 
Earlier today I saw something that I thought was pretty crazy! There was this guy on a motorcycle and in his backpack was his dog.  At first I thought it was a fake dog, but then it started moving and I realized that yup he had his dog in his backpack! The picture isn't too good because I took it on my phone, but if you look close enough you can see him.  
Now for one last story. Teil and I took Austin, Chase, and Gabby to the store because they wanted to get some snacks.  While we are in the store the kids start calling me mom and Teil dad........ no good!  There is one lady in the isle just pretending that she doesn't hear anything that is going on.  Then Teil yells, "Come on Sweetie!" So right when he says that the lady looks over at me and I turned bright red and just said, "I'm not their mom!"  The lady just laughed and I walked away still just as red as could be.  Then for the rest of the time we were at the store Teil kept making remarks similar to that and I just couldn't wait to leave! But it was a fun night and a good story to tell everyone :) Gotta love family! :)


  1. That last story is hilarious!! Your family cracks me up. :D I'm so glad you got a picture of that dog in the backpack! I was out driving and I saw him, too, and it made me laugh!!

  2. Haha yeah! I had too otherwise I don't think anyone would've believed me without a picture!

  3. I love it whe you blog!!! You guys are awesome!!!
