Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Wedding Day! And life updates!

Well, we have started the countdown for yet another wedding. Mhm! Another!

Teil and Ali are getting married in 22 days! We are sooooo excited for them! Marriage is really the best! You get to spend all of your time with your best friend and I know they will love that. I am really excited because when Nick and I go we can just relax and actually eat the food and party it up without being center of attention! It's the BEST! 

Now for an update on married life... I let Nick cook some hamburgers for dinner one night on the foreman grill and this is what happened... 
With practice it can only get better right? Don't get me wrong they still tasted great, but they don't look the best haha. 

We went to visit his parents one night and we got there to see that one of their goats had two babies!!! They are so stinking cute. They are only 4 hours old in this picture and they were already moving all over the place. 

Yesterday was a rough day for me for different reasons, but I just have to say I have a husband that cannot be beat! He came home from work and just listened to me talk for 2 hours...seriously! He also brought me these! 
Yup I love him! 
Ok ok one final update before I sign off for the day! Nick's mom gave us this plant... Nick lovingly named him Hans and well when we first got him he was pretty happy and perky well... I guess we don't know how to take care of him because this is what he looks like now. 

So don't think we neglect him because we don't! You would think that after working in a flower shop with all of these plants and flowers I would be able to keep this little guy alive, but I swear he is from another planet or something! He hangs out by our sink and we give him we thought he might want some sun, but he didn't want that we brought him back in with hopes that he would come back alive, but he still looks like this. One can only hope he will get better right? 

Well that's our update for now! We are headed to bear lake this weekend for his grandma's birthday so that should be fun! Everyone have a great rest of your week! Until next time! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

So... It's been awhile...

Well, I have been a complete slacker with this blog lately! I'll try to pick it back up. Life has been crazy busy and it has finally started to slow at least a little bit. I'll do the whole wedding post once I get the pictures from the photographer.

Nick and I finally got all moved into our apartment. It is a cute little one bedroom. We have spent the last couple of days unpacking and decorating and it is pretty dang close to being done. I did not realize how much stuff I had until we tried to squish it all into here. I'd say it looks pretty darn cute. Nick had to go back to work on tuesday so I've been unpacking, trying to find a job, and trying to get my stinking name changed....not easy haha. We have been settling in to married life and it is great to be able to come home every night to your best friend. There isn't a whole ton to do here, but we have fun with what we can find. Our latest adventure is practicing the song Ali and Teil asked us to sing for their wedding.... we have four weeks to do it and I guess we will see how it turns out.

 After that the wedding craziness can finally die down and we can all return to normal! Which is great news because honestly planning a wedding isn't as much fun as pinterest makes it seem haha! Everyone have a great rest of their week and a fantastic weekend!!